妙巴体内驱虫药适用于体重2-8kg的猫 2粒装 Milbemax Wormer For Cats more than 4.4lbs (2kg) - 2 Tablets

CN¥  114.59
Milbemax for Cats more than 2-8kg (4.4-17.6lbs)

Milbemycin oxime and praziquantel are the active ingredients in Milbemax.
Milbemycin oxime interferes with nerve transmission in invertebrates, which helps protect against heartworm, roundworm and hookworm.
Praziquantel causes muscle spasm in tapeworm, which are then attacked by enzymes and disintegrate. It kills all intestinal forms of tapeworm.

Milbemax is a broad spectrum intestinal wormer used in cats to treat roundworm, hookworm and tapeworms. If given monthly, it also offers prevention against heartworm. Milbemax for cats is a tiny, palatable beef-flavoured tablet that many animals will take straight from the hand.
Milbemax protects against immature and adult roundworm (Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina),immature and adult hookworm(Ancylostoma tubaeforme) and tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp).
If given monthly, Milbemax protects cats against all of the above, as well as heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis).

  • 1/2 tablet for Cats weighing 2-4kg (4.4-2.8.8lbs)
  • 1 tablet for cats weighing >4-8kg (>8.8-17.6lbs)
  • For Cats weighing more than 8kg(17.6lbs), A combination of tablets should be given, consistent with the recommended minimum dose
  • Milbemax for Cats more than 2-8kg (4.4-17.6lbs)

    Milbemycin oxime and praziquantel are the active ingredients in Milbemax.
    Milbemycin oxime interferes with nerve transmission in invertebrates, which helps protect against heartworm, roundworm and hookworm.
    Praziquantel causes muscle spasm in tapeworm, which are then attacked by enzymes and disintegrate. It kills all intestinal forms of tapeworm.

    Milbemax is a broad spectrum intestinal wormer used in cats to treat roundworm, hookworm and tapeworms. If given monthly, it also offers prevention against heartworm. Milbemax for cats is a tiny, palatable beef-flavoured tablet that many animals will take straight from the hand.
    Milbemax protects against immature and adult roundworm (Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina),immature and adult hookworm(Ancylostoma tubaeforme) and tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp).
    If given monthly, Milbemax protects cats against all of the above, as well as heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis).

  • 1/2 tablet for Cats weighing 2-4kg (4.4-2.8.8lbs)
  • 1 tablet for cats weighing >4-8kg (>8.8-17.6lbs)
  • For Cats weighing more than 8kg(17.6lbs), A combination of tablets should be given, consistent with the recommended minimum dose
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